Springfield Adventist Academy offers a homeschool partnership program for homeschool students in grades 1-8 called Student Education Enrichment Day (SEED). SEED meets one afternoon per week and currently includes three parts. Students receive education in one area of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), Physical Education (Swimming or Gymnastics lessons), and Music (Elementary or Band).
Complete online registration form for each student here:
2024-2025 SEED Registration
Bring in the following forms for each student to principal:
- Consent to Treat Form
- Up-to-Date Immunization Record or waiver
- Media Release Form
- Copy of a permission slip from the doctor for any prescribed medications
- Show student's Birth Certificate
All students must be toilet-trained
The registration fee of $100 per student is due at the time of registration (August registrants).
The registration fee of $50 per student is due at the time of registration (January registrants).
The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
Grades 1st-4th
$125 per month per student
Grades 5th-8th
$145 per month per student