A registration fee of $305.00 per student, and the first month’s payment is due at the time of registration.
The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE after the first day of school
Grades K-8
Springfield Seventh-day Adventist Church members
$285 per month for first student
$235 per month for second and third students (no additional charge for more than three students)
Non-constituent members
$330 per month for first student
$280 per month for second and third students (no additional charge for more than three students)
Tuition payments are made for ten months, August through May.
Any changes in the payment plan must be presented in written form to the school board for approval.
If tuition payment falls two months behind, the student will be asked to withdraw from school until the account is brought up-to-date.
Accounts from previous years must be paid in full or arrangements made to clear the account before registration can be completed for the current school year.
A $30.00 fee will be charged to accounts for insufficient fund checks.
All student accounts must be paid in full before grade transcripts are released for transferring to other schools.
To meet financial obligations to the school promptly, with payment due by the 5th of each month. This assists us in maintaining the financial integrity of the school and good faith with our creditors.